Water Heater Installation Codes Explained

Water Heater Code Lg


Do you have a new water heater for your home, and do you understand the codes regarding its installation? Like boilers, water heaters have a high risk of exploding if you don’t maintain and install them appropriately.

There are water heater installation codes at the national and local levels to ensure correct installation and everyone’s safety. Violating these codes could put you and the people around you in danger. Water heater installation codes cover proper water hookup, device set up, wiring, and more.

Below, we’ll look at water installation codes that you must comply with if you want your water heater to function effectively.

Water Heater Installation Permits

Before you mess around with installing a water heater, it is crucial to do everything to code and acquire the proper permitting. To install a water heater, you are required to have at least one permit.

Below are some of the permits you might need:

Primary Water Heater Permit

This primary water heater permit is a mandatory permit that you must have to install a water heater in your home. You can easily go to your local building or planning department to ask for one. A water heater permit typically costs between $20 to $100.

The permit assists you in installing the heater according to local codes and safely. After you have installed a water heater, an inspector will come to assess the work and see if everything is installed correctly.

Common Secondary Permits

Apart from a water heater permit, you often need a plumbing or electric permit as well. However, whether you need one depends on your location and the type of heater you intend to install.

Make sure to check your local building codes or talk to someone at your local building or planning department.

Additional Permit Considerations

For older homes, you might need additional permits before installing a water heater. Some common instances where you’ll need additional permits are if you’re doing any structural work, such as installing a cabinet for a tankless heater or building a level platform in your basement.

Considerations Before Installing a Water Heater

Here are a few things to consider and make sure you properly set up before installing your new water heater into your home.