Licenses, Permits, & Inspections

Register your business and gain a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC), pay and renew business taxes, Police Alarm Permits, Police and Fire Permits, and Tobacco Retailer's Permits. Department of Building and Safety

Business owners frequently interface with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) for building permits and inspections. Staff at LADBS advise, guide and assist customers to achieve compliance with building, zoning, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access, energy, and green codes and local and state laws to build safe, well, and fast.

Department of Public Works

The Los Angeles Department of Public Works is responsible for providing and maintaining public infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, street trees and lighting, as well as sanitation services such as trash collection, recycling, and sewage. The Department of Public Works also oversees city contracting opportunities and implements the Los Angeles Minimum Wage. Bureau of Contract Administration

Request job inspections, apply for business certifications, and search for either local certified businesses or approved subcontractors. Department of City Planning

The Department of City Planning works with business owners to ensure that their business conforms to zoning regulations in the City of Los Angeles, including the issuance of Conditional Use Permits for Alcohol. Los Angeles Fire Department

The primary duties of this Section is to conduct Fire Life Safety Plan Check and Fire Life Safety Inspections interpreting and enforcing applicable standards of the Fire Code, Title 19, Uniform Building Code, City, and National codes concerning new construction and remodeling.

Department on Cannabis Regulation

The Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is responsible for administering the commercial cannabis licensing and regulatory program established by the Los Angeles City Council. Specifically, DCR processes all applications for commercial cannabis licenses in the City of Los Angeles, makes licensing decisions or licensing recommendations to the Cannabis Regulation Commission, and regulates the operations of licensed commercial cannabis businesses in the City.