About RMA

Relationship Management Application (RMA) is a service provided by SWIFT to help manage the business relationships between financial institutions. SWIFTNet 7.0 enables RMA capabilities for services based on InterAct and FileAct.

RMA consists of two main functions:

RMA uses a SWIFTNet InterAct Store and Forward service to exchange the permission data between financial institutions.

RMA usage is defined per service. The rules regarding its use are specified in the Application Service Profile (ASP), associated with each service.

Advantages of using RMA

RMA provides a SWIFT user with more control over the sending or receipt of messages in a many-to-many InterAct or FileAct service:

RMA service parameters

As of SWIFTNet 7.0, service parameters, including those for RMA, are defined in the relevant Application Service Profile (ASP).

Service Administrators define the parameters of their service. Each Service Administrator must provide service participants with the information they need to correctly use the service in question, including RMA-related information.

SWIFT keeps track of all service parameter and makes them available to all participants in a downloadable ASP package.

RMA authorizations

Within the context of FIN and SWIFTNet services, RMA standardizes: